Lighting Your Motivation Fire!
Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life


Module #4: 

What to Do When Your Flame Subsides 

Welcome to Module #4 of the Common Thread Success Academy coaching program on “Lighting Your Fire – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

As there are many goals you have set and achieved in your life, there are also ones you didn’t complete.  For some reason, you lost the motivation to continue pursuing them.

Your own motivation is just like the fire. In the beginning it burns strong, but then it may start to die down.  Why does this happen? What makes the fire wane and the flame subside?

Perhaps it’s because the goal feels more externally driven and not internally motivated. Or you don’t experience enough results.  Other reasons could be that

  • the results are too slow,
  • other things become more important, or
  • the effort feels too hard and you get tired out.

In this module you will identify a goal you set but are no longer pursuing, and explore reasons why you lost the motivation to pursue the goal.”

Print out Worksheet #4 –  The Fire That Faded

Think about a goal that was once important to you, but you did not complete.  What doused your motivation to continue?

  • Did other things take over in importance?
  • Was the effort too hard?
  • Were the results disappointing?

Complete the worksheet by exploring a recent goal you set but didn’t achieve, the motivators that inspired you in the beginning, and what caused you to lose your motivation.

Then return to this module.

Just like a fire, motivation needs tending to in order for it to stay strong.

It’s important to know yourself well – to know what will distract and discourage you, and how to protect your goals from losing their spark.

It is just as important to know what fuels you to keep your own fire of motivation burning.  Even when you know what fuels you and what douses your flame, the fire can still diminish and almost go out. The good news is that you can rekindle fires of goals that once were important.

Continue to Module 5.

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