Silencing the Enemy Within
Beating Self-Sabotage and Reaching Your Potential


Module #5: 

Stopping the Enemy Dead In Its Tracks 

Welcome back to the Common Thread Success Academy coaching program on “The Enemy Within.”

Thus far in this program you have discovered:

  • the identity of your Enemy Within,
  • its sneaky tactics, and
  • the lies that it makes you believe through your “I am…” statements.

In this module, you will learn a powerful tool to notice when the Enemy is trying to influence you, and how to stop it in its tracks.

While you can never eliminate the Enemy Within completely, you can combat it and use some strong weapons to reduce its power.

When combating your Enemy Within, it’s important to remember that

“What you resist persists, but what you embrace dissolves.”

We have been taught to think that to get rid of something we don’t want, we must fight and resist it, and not show weakness toward it. But this type of thinking doesn’t work with your Enemy Within.

If you resist your Enemy Within, you give it all the power. By resisting something, you actually strengthen it because you become blind to its presence and tactics. It has more power because you are unaware it is there.

But when you acknowledge your Enemy Within and its tactics, it loses most of its power.

And when you respond in a different way to your Enemy Within, it loses almost all its power. And the best defense against your Enemy Within is to acknowledge it and to get to know it. Intimately. By doing so, you will more easily spot its tactics and be able to neutralize it.

Next, you will learn a powerful weapon you can use when you realize your Enemy Within is impacting your life, but before you delve into that lesson, listen to what Common Thread Success Academy Founder and International Best Selling Author Jerry Gladstone has to say about how you can stamp out the negativity in your life that comes from others as well as yourself.


Print out Worksheet #5 – STOP, SPOT and SWAT the Enemy

There is a simple weapon you can use to combat the Enemy Within when it shows up. It is called, ‘STOP, SPOT and SWAT the Enemy.’ Think of this weapon as a ‘Lie Swatter’ instead of a fly swatter, but its purpose is the same: to smack dead the lie that your Enemy Within is trying to use against you as a way of keeping you down.

  • It works like this:
    1) STOP and notice when the Enemy Within is showing up and speaking to you.
    2) SPOT its presence. Question what the Enemy Within is telling you and find the lie in what it is saying.
    3) When you recognize the lie, SWAT it away by reframing the situation with a statement of truth.

Now on Worksheet #5, it’s time for you to practice using it by thinking of a situation in your life where you listened to your Enemy Within rather than pursuing something you wanted.

If you would like, you can think back to the lost hopes and dreams identified in the introductory activity and apply this weapon to that situation. Or think of another, more recent example.

When complete, return to this module.

To complete this module, answer the questions below.

  • What did you notice about your Enemy when doing this exercise?
  • What does this weapon help bring to light?
  • How is this weapon helpful in combating your Enemy Within?

Continue to Module 6.

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