Lighting Your Motivation Fire!
Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life
Welcome to The Common Thread Success Academy’s coaching program on the “Lighting Your Motivation Fire! – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”
In this program you will discover the influences in your life that light your fire, and douse it (and how to avoid them). You will also learn how to rekindle your flames, find your inner strength and achieve the things that matter most.
Specifically you will explore:
- What motivation is and how it works
- Those influences that can diminish or extinguish your motivation
- A process for re-establishing and sustaining motivation once again
Your discovery begins by defining this mysterious concept of motivation.
This program is called Lighting Your Fire because often the metaphor of a fire is used to help explain what motivation is because it captures some of motivation’s most important qualities such as:
- Intense passion and ardor
- Bursts of liveliness and brilliance
- Ignition and sparks of excitement
So defining motivation from the perspective of a fire makes sense.
But what about you? How would you define the concept of motivation?
Print out Worksheet #1 – Worksheet 1 – A Way to Define Motivation
On the worksheet there are various images depicting the concept of motivation.
Look at each of these images depicting and circle up to 3 that resonate with you most. Then at the bottom of your worksheet write how the image(s) represent motivation to you. Be as specific and as thorough as you can.
Take a few minutes to complete the worksheet, then return to this module.
Think about it…
- Which images did you pick?
- What about these images resonated with you?
- Based on the images you selected, what is your personal definition of motivation?
As you can see in this simple exercise, motivation can be thought of in many ways, but the essence for all of us is the same. At its core, motivation is a driving force that initiates and directs our behavior. In other words, motivation is a kind of internal energy – like a fire – that drives a person to do something in order to achieve something.
It’s what drives you towards your goal, whether that goal is to wake up early, change a habit, exercise, run a marathon, write a book, lose weight, organize your life, get out of debt, or countless other things that could better your life.
Motivation is the key, but it’s not always easy, day in and day out, to keep it burning. Just like with a flame, motivation burns bright, and it grows dimmer.
Iconic talk show host Montel Williams is the perfect example of an individual who has stayed motivated through the various stages of his life and success. Listen to his raw audio interview with Jerry Gladstone, Common Thread Success Academy Founder and author of The Common Thread of Overcoming Adversity and Living Your Dreams.
Having a foundational understanding of motivation is important, but it is also important to understand how it works so that when pursing an important goal, you can keep it burning bright, and learn ways to fuel it when it starts to go dim.